Hug for Care reaches more than a million people!
From the moment the Netherlands announced the intelligent lockdown, we have given extra power to our mission to delight and inspire people by spreading teddy bears and hearts throughout the Netherlands. Together with dozens of our relations, we have placed the hearts and bears and the stories that have emerged from them are all unique and impressive. These stories have not only reached our network, but have reached far beyond and have reached more than a million people!
From the moment the first COVID-19 measures were announced, we have made it our mission to give people a bit of hope. That is why we have placed a total of more than 40 illuminated hearts and bears at organizations inside and outside our network. Together with them, we have tried to give as many people as possible a big hug and a pat on the back. And we succeeded!
Because by sharing the beautiful photos and messages on our joint social media channels, we have reached more than a million people. In addition to the countless loving reactions we have received in 'real life', we have received many more online. The joint message that we have proclaimed has ensured that we have made a number of friends for life.
Together with our relations we were able to act very quickly and as a result there was even a certain involvement and recognition around the action. Talk about creating shared value!
Thank you for all your cooperation.
Stay Safe ❤️?